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Embracing the Full Moon with Intention


Tonight’s blue moon is a time for us all to call in and release energy. Whether you will be joining us in person for our sound bath on the sand, or will be reflecting on your own, we look forward to hearing how this full moon has impacted you.

The full moon can be a powerful time of manifestation and energetic shift. If you’re looking add intention setting into your full moon ritual here are some of our favorite guides:

Release anything that’s not serving you.

Mantra: I release the thoughts that no longer serve me from reaching my highest potential - I call in abundance and positivity for this new month ahead.

Journal Prompt: Tonight I release once and for all…

Consider what you want to call into your life.

Mantra: When I release the old, I create space for the new.

Journal Prompt: As I step into this new season of my life, I call in…

Recognize the abundance you’ve received.

Mantra: I appreciate the abundance in my life and I allow myself to expand in gratitude, success and joy everyday.

Journal Prompt: I acknowledge my gratitude for…

Healing during the full moon can be extremely transformative. If you are able to, allow yourself to meditate or pray under its glow tonight. As you experience her presence and then drift off to sleep imagine that healing energy soaking into your body and soul while dozing off to sleep. The next morning you’ll find a sense of renewal. Remember that your intentions tonight are all magnified by the lunar energy of the full moon.

Happy Blue Full Moon Halloween True Healers Family!



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