Seasonal shift as the winds peak through brisk morning skies
Pavements painted by reds, orange, and yellow as fallen leaves die
Longer nights ease us into surrendering to harmonize
A Time for gratitude as the trees say their summer goodbye
Pumpkin patches come alive, honoring the magick within our lives
Reflections morph into gratitude as we karmically archive
The outer world slows down so our inner world can rest and thrive
These are the images conjured when we meditate on this October Libra Season. The balanced beautiful charmingly social orientated energy of this month will encourage harmonizing our pleasures and desires from September 22nd to October 23rd.
Divine Autumn blessings as the fall equinox were celebrated around the globe last Wednesday, September 22nd. The energetic plateau will come to full effect this New Moon in Libra on Wednesday, October 6th Tuesday. The Hunter’s Full Moon will peak illumination Wednesday, October 20th EST, and Thursday, October 21st PST. This month we have two full moon’s one will be in the muteable fire sign of Aries and the second will be in the fixed earth sign of Taurus. The last Mercury retrograde of the year is Monday, September 27th, and ends October 18th. Jupiter and Saturn both station direct out of retrograde in the middle of the month creating some positive clear forward energy.
Sun Sign Forecasts
Aries - Slow down! It’s a time for you to recalculate your spending and where you are focusing your energy. Utilize this time to reorganize every aspect you are currently centering on. How can things be done differently or is there another route you could take? This seasonal change is a great time to connect more with family or close friends. A time to schedule intimate conversations and quality time with your loved ones as it’s a bumpy road ahead.
Taurus - Keep going the distance! You’ve got a goal set now it’s time to keep up with your word with that bull-like determination. It’s advised to keep personal opinions, beliefs, and deep feelings to your intimate group. Social misunderstandings and arguments can arise quickly. It may be a time to see long-distant families and have an impact on them. It will be a month of choosing empathy over apathy. Keep your eye out for old lessons dressed up in new costumes.
Gemini - Look on the horizon it’s your comfort zone! Time to finally take a deep belly breathe and sink into comfortability. Some increased spending on health and body healing. Beware of your finances and make sure there are backup savings this month. Be open to new opportunities and being showered with unexpected bonuses from life. Remember not to give your energy into petty family conversations that will transform into arguments.
Cancer - It’s a gold star kind of month for you as long as you try your best with every challenge that comes your way. This month you may be recognized for your hard work and outstanding effort in your work life. Lightning bolt-like energy will fuel you to put into your relationships and home life. It may be a month to explore new possibilities. A key aid for you will be to ask your elders and those more experienced for advice.
Leo - Professional powerhouse is the archetype you’ll be setting into this month. The career aspect of your life will be excelled as you accomplish tasks, projects and may get some long-overdue recognition with a monetary raise. Take practical decisions and listen before you react. There will be challenges and obstacles, you will be able to overcome all of them with support from family and friends. It will be a good time to balance your work life by nurturing your mental health. Starting therapy, taking technology breaks, doing joyful inner child activities, or exploring nature.
Virgo - Hold your hand. Now is the time to keep building and investing. Whether you are investing physically with finances, or energetically with your intention. It’s mid-game and you’ve got more levels to endure but everything will pay off in due time. Stay focused this month on your life, your goals, your dreams, your projects, and your home life. Family matters may experience ups and downs. Beware of your criticism this month as you focus on yourself with this heightened lens others may find this behavior quite harsh, and rude, causing conversational crashes. Learn to remove your perfectionism glasses when having conversations or holding space for other’s emotions.
Libra - ‘Off Duty’. Send out a notice and ring the bell. This month you’ll have low energy and will need to truly nurture and protect your energy. It is not a month for spending money on unnecessary things. Take this time to focus on your studies, work, passion projects, and socializing only with your intimate group of friends. Towards the end of the month, you’ll want to emerge for the spectacular blue moon. Until then keep your head down and feet grounded. Beware of old flames bringing false promises to your doorstep.
Scorpio - Self-preservation requires us to stay present which will be easier said than done this month. There may be some feelings surrounding the concept of loneliness or isolation. By the new moon, it will be important to focus on a spiritual practice that can aid you in staying in the present and healing your dissociative tendencies. It will be a magnetizing month for career, work, and purpose as you’ll attract consistent new clients. New opportunities for work will present themselves but it will only be a favorable choice if you can decide after mercury stations direct after October 18th. Beware and tread lightly on Oct 9th and 26th with your financial investments. Start to prep for your birthday season as we gear up for a powerfully promising end to your year.
Sagittarius - What’s happening? Every time you take one step forward it seems you’re two steps backyards. Life can feel a little disorienting this month as it feels like a regressive feedback loop. Once your ruling planet Jupiter stations direct after October 18th you’ll have clarity, momentum, and forward motion. It seems your waiting for payments, checks, or monetary rewards for projects and freelance gigs. It may not happen until after Saturn stations direct on October 10th. Keep sending those emails and poking the people holding what you’re entitled to. At the end of the month, you’ll finally have some moments to enjoy yourself and take a much-needed break from work.
Capricorn - Bring it on. Tensions at work arise and people are being pushed to their max during power struggles. Does it feel you are caught in the middle again? Keeping your cool and rolling over is getting stale to be quite frank. It’s time to stand up and speak your truth respectively. A whole new tray of responsibility has been handed to you and life seems fuller than ever. A time to build your wealth and strengthen all of your resources. There may be a stream of potentially unsolicited financial advice from outside minds so keeping these moves to yourself is highly advised. Focus on scheduling time away from your devices daily or nightly. You’ll be overworking this month and you’ll need a mental break.
Aquarius - Put yourself first this month. It’s really time to focus on your self-care because this train wreck cannot go on no matter how many excuses you find. Self-care all-around baby! Bubble baths, face masks, therapy appointments, getting family to help with the kids, having solid alone time, going out in nature, booking a massage appointment, baking yourself a cake for no reason, and napping or watching some stand-up comedy. Put the serious hat down for this month to truly live, laugh, and love yourself. Once your ruling planet Saturn stations direct October 10th you’ll feel refreshed and ready to strategize attacking your goals. Align yourself with those who lift you up and celebrate you!
Pisces - It’s been a heck of a year. A truly meditative journey that has been wildly refreshing and deeply isolating. Lots of lessons to unpack this month. Reexamining your fiances and investments will be key as there may be some road blocks this month with unexpected expenses. Be open, transparent, and authentic with your intimate conversations around taking the next steps with your partner. These topics have come up before and you lightly brush them under the rug with surface banter. It is time to reveal how your heart feels and where you stand with taking big leaps by moving in together, buying a house together, tying the knot, bringing children into this world, adopting children, or fostering an animal together. If you’re single it will be a great time to focus on the lessons you’ve learned from past relationships to gain awareness and clarity on the kind of partner you want to manifest into your life. Speak up, don’t let these deep feelings sink into your stomach and body or they’ll turn into physical forms of illnesses.
This month’s energy will fully kick off during the new moon in the cardinal air sign Libra. The sun and moon will be in Libra which will be gentle energy to swing into new experiences, new places, new relationships, and launching the projects you manifested during Virgo season. We will feel the loving sensuous energy that can nurture our social circles while fueling the harmony within our daily routines.
Major Energetic Shifts
We have been shifting from age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The bronze to Golden Age. Civilizations rise or fall. Apocalypse translates to the disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. A new beginning with heightened fresh awareness.
Astro Theme
Finding 360-degree balance. This month we start to shift our focus onto the higher perspective of overall synergy. It’s a time to reflect on the whole, all perspectives, all timelines, and each layer of your current life. Balancing your spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical health can create divine harmony. That can sound like a huge amount of effort.
The beautiful thing about balance is that it can be small acts of harmony that start to layer and shift into a snowball of harmonic ripples. A small act of balance can look like; going to be earlier than normal, waking up with the sunrise, stretching when you get out of bed, cutting your screen time in half or social media detox daily, eat in moderation, sing in your car during traffic, allow yourself to sit still right when you get home, dance while you do the dishes, only clean for a certain amount of time even if there is more to clean, hang up new art, redecorate your living space, check-in on close friends while nurturing new friendships, stay in your comfort zone while also taking moments to step outside of it, spend equal time on old projects and new projects.
Astro Education
Libra is a cardinal air sign represented by the scales; a symbol to associate the sign’s main theme of balance. Libra is ruled by the planet Venus representing love, beauty, harmony, justice, balance, and divine femininity. Libra ushers in autumn as it begins on the fall equinox, a day where day and night are equal in hours. The key for this sign is knowing for them to enjoy life in a healthy way so their scales stay balanced. If they focus their energy on only one aspect of their life, or only on one person they will become off balance. Their tendencies to become passive-aggressive is an understatement as it is their defense mechanism. Libras tend to use humor to ease tensions or escape accountability. They are sociable, fair, charming, peacekeepers, helpful friends, and their energy can light up any space.
Written By Gigi Ventura ‘Priestess of Divine 2021