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True Healers Astrology Forecast: October 2022

Sweet spice spirits haunt silver skies, pumpkin pie cinnamon caramel treats, jack-0-lanterns in dark shadowed streets. Trees letting go of the seasons past leaves, ancestors prepare for their yearly retreat. Alters, and photos to honor our grief. Samhain anchors in a yearly hunger for spiritual relief.

A much anticipated fall has finally arrived. Priorities scatter like the wind blows the red and brown leaves around cracked sidewalks. With a heavy Venus influence this month we will be articulating ephemeral or temporal beauty. Harness this time for balance, inspiration, art and creativity all around. Communications will become harmonious again as our relationships will feel extra sentimental this month. Flames burn brighter as we find ourselves embracing romance, passion, art, music and all around love.

The doors to the spirit realm creek open as we remember those who have passed. A time for transformations, energy shifts, fresh chapters and new beginnings. Those that have laid in the dark, those that have hid in the shadows shall be led to the light. Resurfaced, brought out to breathe, to air out in the howling winds as we honor the night and all it shelters.

The hidden, the forgotten, the unforgiven, the secret, the shunned, the shamed, the undesired parts of ourselves, of our past, our lessons, our pain, our trauma, our mistakes, they need our warmth and light so we may learn to integrate into truth. Death can inspire so much love. It ripples throughout timelines as strings attached to threads of the cosmos. For we are made of earth and stardust.

Check out what Libra Season has in store for your sun sign:

Aries - This month will start with some energies highlighting your intimate relationships. Leading up to the full moon and your sign you’ll be asked to reflect on the people closest to you. There will be an optimistic and energizing fiery feeling during this lunar experience. Utilize this time to catapult into any goals and desires you have. Towards the middle of the month you’ll feel a bit more grounded and will want to prioritize home life. You’ll end the month on a very social note with wanting more connections with your friends and or community. If you feel those themes are lacking in your life, use this eclipse energy to focus on cultivating new friendships and finding communities that resonate with you.

Taurus - The spotlight will continue to shine on your health this year especially as we enter cooler seasons and towards holiday food territory. Be mindful of your moderation and levels of stress. You might find that your scheduling and weight of responsibilities are heavy this month if it starts to affect home life and connecting with the ones you love it might be wise to reevaluate what’s affecting you and impacting your level of stress. Towards the end of the month the theme will gradually shift into relationships, partnerships, marriage, commitment, love and romance. It’ll be a time to reflect on these themes whether it’s deciding to make a shift in a relationship, recognizing when something doesn’t align or resonate with you, or making the decision to embark on a new journey.

Gemini - As mercury stations direct these energies will shake loose much-needed creative inspirations. Be wary about some false promises this month regarding resources, money or opportunities. There may be some second thoughts, so definitely take time for making decisions this month. Even though your ruling planet is out of retrograde we are still in a shadow phase. There is a strong heart beat for your social life mid month. Feelings of interest for community, networking, and creative expressions. Then at the end of the month there may be some thing that is being revealed to you, or understanding of something that is unraveling. Be conscious of who you let into your circle, who you work with, who you connect with in the community and who you break bread with.

Cancer - What are your principal desires? This month may be a time to resparked some friendships, interests, hobbies and passions that you have. Reviving things in your life that brings you happiness can also readjust your energy and aid you in accelerating in your workspace. You will find a refreshing new drive that could impact your career or job in a positive way. Unleashing, purging and removing blockages have been happening leading up to the end of this month. This will aid in opening up new avenues and starting fresh chapters regarding higher learning, career, travel and spiritual interests.

Leo - There is some emotional mending from the previous month that may need to happen. As you provide yourself with so much needed space for this doing so what age you are launching towards a new level leading up to this full moon. Be mindful of the people, projects and ideas you put your intention into. Some of these may not be as fruitful as you may think. Mid month you’ll start to focus on your assets, your home life, your relationships you have with your family members. It may be time to reevaluate these themes in your life. Is your home life ideal? Is your relationship with your family ideal? Are the things you own A part of feeling your happiness? Or are they tied to mass amounts of debt? Towards the end of the month there will be a revelation on how you communicate and engage with your family. Home is where the heart is and you need to ask yourself where your heart feels safe and feels uplifted.

Virgo - Money, money, MONEY! You are extremely focused on your finances this month. Debts, banking; finance, investing, and shared resources will be highlighted. There will be a physical drive to have extreme perseverance and powerful effort towards this month's accomplishments. Mid month you’ll feel a financial shift positive or negative. Something will unexpectedly come up or an opportunity will open. At the end of the month you may need to cultivate some bravery to step up or step into a new opportunity. It may seem risky but it could be a huge opportunity to shift your financial situation for the better. It will be up to you to see if this opportunity aligns with you and to make that leap of faith.

Libra - Happy Solar Return! Kick off the birthday month by reminding yourself that you do not need to make everybody happy, you don’t need to please everyone and to put yourself first. It will be a time to reflect on your friendships whether there are relationships that you need to adjust, cut ties with, or cultivate. Your aspirations may seem far away but it will be a powerful month to focus on who you network with, who your affiliates are, and who you co-create with regarding your projects. Mid month energies will anchor into positive shifts of your finance sector regarding your earnings and career. A new role may be awaiting for you! Will you be ready to set onto stage? Prepare for new chapters as you may launch into a fresh journey.

Scorpio - There have been a handful of unexpected financial shifts. Whether the rent is raised, credit lines open, and new expenses in general. May be important to utilize this full moon energy towards reorganizing, reevaluating and rebuilding your financial goals. There may be a lull of money coming in this month so plan accordingly. The past may be front and center as we lead up towards the eclipse in your sign mid month. Allow these memories in past experiences to surface and the lessons that come with them. But be conscious of how long you let them stay as visitors. End of the month or end on a spiritual crescendo as themes will come up regarding connecting to an

Sagittarius - This will be a prime month for business opportunities, launching projects that you’ve put a lot of effort into, getting new opportunities or promotions. A flood stream of profitability for your new business ventures, a flood of new ideas and creative inspirations will fill up your free time. A huge burst of energy will kick in during the full moon and continue for the next following weeks. Mid to the end of the month will be a time to focus on your overhead and how much you’re spending in general. Are you starting up an old pattern with your finances? Eclipses will bring things to light, especially things connected to our past. Be aware of any spending habits that may have resurfaced. It would be wise to not repeat history.

Capricorn - The start of the month will be a prime time for higher learning, sorting out the things you need clarity on, and jumping on opportunities for yourself. Strike while the iron is hot! This will be the energy lingering as your cheerleader. Go and get it; whether it’s a job, promotion, raise or project. You’ll feel unstoppable regarding your career. Big things await you mid month and you’ll need to make quick decisions. A fresh chapter regarding networks, friends, co-workers and or community. The month will end with a domestic dispute. Something that may not have been fully confronted as this is a recurring issue. Be min

Aquarius - As the month progresses you’ll find yourself reflecting on your intimate relationships, and reevaluating how they function daily. Is there a healthy rhythm to them? Or do you find yourself drained. It may be a time to reassess how you show up and how much effort is put into them. Mid month will shift towards your work environment and career sector. Elevating your status, promotions, raises and opportunities to take on new projects within your occupational field. If you’re currently looking for employment this would be a prime time to revamp your résumé and apply for jobs. There may be some surprises awaiting towards the tail end of the month. So be prepared for the unknown. Consciously communicate when you feel uncomfortable especially regarding your work environment. You may need to bring something to the light during this heightened energy from the eclipse. Speak or forever hold your peace.

Pisces - This month will test your partnerships. It will be imperative to resolve issues and obstacles. Figuring out a resolution to these problems will free up some positive energy to spill over into other sectors of your life. However, if you're too introverted and focused on the negativities of your life it will adversely impact your energy. Leading up to the full moon it will be challenging to feel relaxed or find a peace of mind. You’ll be heightened and nervously focused instead. Mid month you’ll want to make time for a bike ride, yoga class or a spa session to release some inner tension. The solar eclipse at the end of the month will harness energy regarding new opportunities and fully putting old conflicts to rest. Fresh feelings of enlightenment about your life will weigh in finally ushering in some calmness and harmony

Written By Gigi Ventura ‘Priestess of Divine 2022

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