Alarm clocks, blender buzzes, and barbell clanks!
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These are the sounds of this September Virgo season. The pragmatic, organized health orientated energy of this month will nurture checking off your overall well-being to-do list. The energetic peak will fully affect this New Moon in Virgo on Monday, September 6th EST and Tuesday, September 7th PST. Venus entering Scorpio and Mars entering Libra mid-month.
The Harvest Full Moon Monday, September 20th, will be in the water sign of Pisces. Charming, social Libra season starts Wednesday, September 22, followed by the last mercury retrograde of the year Monday, September 27th.
Virgo Gift Guide: Shop our Top Picks for Virgo Season!
Treat yourself, or get gift ideas for that favorite Virgo in your life!
Sun Sign Forecasts

Aries March 21 – April 19
Catapult into this month’s energy by focusing on directing all your energy into one passion project. Surrender to the energy of structure and be inspired by taking extra steps which will trick you into slowing down.
Breath before you make any big life decisions and make a physical list of the most important things you want to accomplish this fall. Take one step at a time and use your spontaneity wisely.
Taurus April 20 – May 20
Mosey into this month by starting your to-do list and organizing your finances. Work smarter, not harder is a key phrase to this month. It’s prime time to finish projects, tasks and accomplish goals. Time to transition out of stagnant habits and embrace this momentum of action.
Gemini May 21 – June 20
Time to revisit old projects as Mercury in retrograde is a familiar shake-up for you. A time for reviving and preparing yourself for reappearance. It will be a key time to dive into your purpose here on earth while setting aside time for self-care.
Cancer June 21 – July 22
Things are coming full circle for you on the karmic debt spectrum—time to rebuild and transmute negative past energy with gratitude. Our inner world will shift and reflect to manifest into our outer world. Surrender, and let go while your divine transformation begins.
Leo July 23 – August 22
Bank account notifications, receipts, and bills. This will be a month to manage and take a peek at your spending. Refrain from making any large investments or purchases this month. Instead, map out your finances and set some attainable abundance goals.
Virgo August 23 – September 22
Doorways are opening for you, bearing new opportunities. It will be a time for action and choice-making. Be aware of hesitation and procrastination, for these doors are temporary. Negotiation, transformation, partnerships, and fresh potential.
Readjusting the plan and course to achieve your goals will be a golden card up your sleeve. Use your lucky solar return energy to manifest some well-deserved abundance.
Libra September 23 – October 22
Remove your bar, and set yourself up for success by removing all limits. The impossible will become possible as long as you step up to the plate. Release ancient ways of doing things, break out of restrictions, and embrace freedom within this new paradigm. Listen to your inner voice and intuition to align your priorities in order.
Scorpio October 23 – November 21
A powerful kinetic, energetic time for socializing, networking, launching, and experiencing. Finishing projects, relishing in accomplishments, and feeling unstoppable this fall. There may be a strong pull between friends, community activities, and spending quality time with loved ones at home.
The challenge will be balancing social affairs that impact your future purpose and quality downtime within intimate relationships.
Sagittarius November 22 – December 21
A balance will surface to aid a current or emerging relationship. Compromise and transparency will be key terms to navigate this obstacle. A slow down for socializing and recharge on what you’ve been establishing.
Your long-haul efforts and big perspectives will need your undivided attention and extreme focus. Meditate and prepare for a long-awaited opportunity resonating with these now attainable goals.
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Capricorn December 22 – January 19
Your love affair for things that propel you higher is about to get a supercharge. Passageways to progress become clearer, and new pathways appear. Experiencing fresh social circles and business networks will promise pleasurable conversations and encounters with like-minded individuals.
Rewards are emerging for that long game you’ve played, so prepare for new levels, treasures, and advancements. Your immense dedication and patience may pay off.
Aquarius January 20 – February 18
It will be a month of balancing financial business decisions with personal heart-centered ones. You may feel pulled between worlds. This new opportunity may look entirely different than the one you are currently in, so take time to consider all outcomes with this choice.
Learn to acknowledge your fear and hesitation while being able to let it go. These emotions are triggered for a reason, from previous lessons and challenges. Weigh your decisions and be authentic by communicating what you what versus what you need.
Pisces February 19 – March 20
Let your sentimental romantic energies flow, even if it means entertaining new partners, multiple or reviving your current relationship. Intense tensions arise close to the full moon in your sign. Anchor down and prepare for mysterious experiences.
Beginning a journey of fully following your intuitive connections by taking them seriously. Season of empowered change and embracing your superstar qualities.
Astro Theme
Full Body Health. This month we start to shift our focus onto our physical vessel. Whether it’s doctor, dentist, or chiropractor appointments, starting that yoga class, or a weekly walking routine, now is the time to light the fire for your physical well-being. Start that healthy diet or skincare routine. Time to worship your body, as it is a temple.
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New Moon in Virgo
This month’s energy will fully kick off during the new moon in the mutable earth sign Virgo. The sun and moon will be in Virgo, a powerful week to kick-off and launch new projects, a business, eating habits, exercise routines, and start workshops or yoga classes.
We will feel the showering grounding energy that can aid us in polishing our mental clarity while giving our routines some realignment and strong foundational structure.
Full Moon in Pisces
This month’s energy will peak during the Harvest full moon in the mutable water sign of Pisces on Monday, September 20th, right before the fall equinox on that week’s Wednesday, the 22nd. This full moon will be heavy sentimental energy that will be a great opportunity to clear emotional blockages and the weight you’ve carried throughout the past months.
It’s a time to purge, heal and process the changes that lay ahead. The fall equinox and Harvest moon are a time to give gratitude for the opportunities, lessons, and abundance we received in the previous months.
Mid-Month Shake-Up
Venus, the planet of love and beauty, enters the sensitive depths of the water ice sign Scorpio. Mars, the planet of action, anger, and sexual energy, enters Libra's passive yet balanced sign. We may feel ourselves tapping into past wounds within our relationships. Gazing back at the long treacherous journey we’ve experienced to get to this moment right now.
It may be a time where the skeletons in the closet start to surface, and the light reaches the dark corners of our relationships. Be prepared by cultivating unconditional empathy while knowing when to create those icy Scorpio boundaries to protect your heart space.
Mars will nicely balance this sensual, mysterious Venus energy in Libra’s diplomatic peacemaking energy. This will aid in receiving any hidden agendas while even promoting a comprising and understanding conclusion to relationship obstacles.
We can use this Libra Mars energy to soften the heavy Venus Scorpio sensitive information we may learn. If the energy is unbalanced, it can lead to pent-up passive-aggressive dramatic behavior, which can be diffused with unconditional communication and healthy confrontations.
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Seven Planets Retrograde
Pluto (April 27th to October 6th)
Planet of death, rebirth, sex, and taxes fosters a period of deep inner transformation. Nursing our abilities to surrender to the healing processing of giving up hope that anything could have been different. The energy of Pluto can be overwhelmingly powerful, controlling, strategically maneuvering our hidden impulsive and compulsive habits.
While in retrograde, these patterns can be revealed and even dissolve. Possibly becoming more aware of the energetic consequences these sometimes unhealthy routines are to our lives.
Saturn (May 23 to October 10th)
Saturn is the planet of challenge, lesson, and purpose. It empowers our accountability within our responsibilities and our self-discipline. While in retrograde, it takes a step back from peering over our shoulders during every life decision.
Not feeling the normal scrutiny and pressure of Saturn provides a time to realign our professional ethics while reflecting on the efforts we put into them.
Jupiter (June 20th to October 18th)
Jupiter the large gaseous planet of wisdom, luck, expansion, and higher learning. This loud emphasizing lens normally enhances this sector of your life. When in retrograde, the energies shift to a modest smooth, and tamer lens. These subtle energies can promote internal growth, thus expanding your spiritual health and wellbeing.
Neptune (June 25th to December 1st)
Neptune the planet of imagination, dreams, subconscious, intuition, and psychic abilities. The underbelly of these energies is that Neptune can create illusions, mislead, disorientate, and cause paranoia with challenging placements.
During the retrograde, the smoke and mirrors fade away, shattering reality for some while others gain a sense of clarity on the truth.
Chiron (July 15th to December 19th)
Chiron Is the wonder healer asteroid that rules our insecurities, deep wounds, and vulnerabilities. When in retrograde experiences, interactions repeat these past cycles resembling our wounds, triggering them to surface. There is potential to have a very healing journey this fall.
Uranus (August 19th to January 18th)
Uranus is the planet of surprises, unpredictability, individuality, and visionary thinking. When in retrograde, the curveballs of life become subdued and more manageable. Step up and into your authentic self by being unapologetically one hundred percent YOU.
Mercury (September 27th to October 18th)
It’s the final round for Mercury going retrograde in 2021. The stretch between September 26th and October 18th will be a prime time for reflection. When a planet retrogrades, what that planet rule tends to be thrown off, along with the sign and house it’s retrograding in rules. Mercury rules the third house, which is the natal sign for Gemini.
The third house rules communication, language, technology, transportation, early education, data processing, and perception. It’s important to be aware of retrogrades but not fearful of them.
It’s a reminder to slow down, re-read, re-send, check connections, re-check dates, get confirmations, thoroughly communicate, get your car tuned up, expect delays, send things out early; reminders are key, and keep your roadside assistance card handy.
Mercury retrograde in the elemental air sign of Libra can be a time we find challenging to get along socially with one another. This will be a time of maneuvering miscommunications, finding it challenging to empathize with others’ opinions and beliefs. We may bump heads and need to learn to agree to disagree for the sake of our mental health.
Letting others know when you want advice and when you aren’t asking for it. Unsolicited opinions and verbal judgment paves great opportunities for practicing verbal boundaries.
Verbal boundaries sound like; “This conversation no longer resonates with me, and I feel uncomfortable.” or “I appreciate your concern, but I feel confident with what I am choosing to do, and I am not seeking advice at the moment.”
We create our windows of tolerance, which can waver from situation to circumstance and person to person. Speak your truth and come from a heart-centered place.

Major Energetic Shifts
We have been shifting from the age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The bronze to Golden Age. Civilizations rise or fall. Apocalypse translates to the disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. A new beginning with heightened fresh awareness.
Virgo Season
Happy Solar Return, Virgos! As the hardest-working signs in the zodiac, please take your birthday season to slow down and treat yourself. The first ones to arrive and the last to leave.
Virgos will fix and try their best to solve all of life’s challenges; a broken vacuum, mending a sprained wrist, even cheering up the spirits of a friend by cooking them some comfort food.
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They are truly outstanding citizens, employees, bosses, neighbors, friends, siblings, children, and family members. It can be a challenge to the outsider to navigate the high standards they hold for themselves and the world around them. Just remember their effort, endurance, and courage aids them in nurturing their idea of perfect.
Letting a Virgo go the distance, be outstanding, do the impossible, and set the bars in outer space are what they are here to do. Be inspired by their determination, organizing, computer-like brains and step out of the way for them to finish the job.
Please use words of affirmation to thank them with endless gratitude and praise them for their undeniable talents always to be the astrological MVP.
Astro Affirmation
"The energy and effort I offer to others I can gift to myself in return.”
Monthly Astro-Hashtag
#VIRGOMVP Post a selfie or photo of your favorite Virgo and tag the true healers with this month’s hashtag for us to report on our Instagram story.
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Astro Education
Virgo is a mutable sign. Muteable is one of the three astrological modalities that astrologers use to categorize the twelve astrological signs. Modalities represent the energy within each sign, how someone reacts, acts, and use’s their own Chi/Prana or life force.
Mutable signs are Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, and Sagittarius. Mutable signs are at the end of a season. Virgo is at the end of summer and thus becomes a bridge between summer and fall. Mutable signs are flexible, easily adaptable, chameleon-like, multitalented, inclusive.
They can become inconsistent, seem unreliable, or at times even unstable to the outside world. Still, in reality, they have many things they’re juggling physically and are mentally on overdrive 24/7.
Muteable signs flourish with words of affirmation and gratitude for their diligence and hard work. Give some love to the mutable signs in your life by letting them know how grateful you are for them.

Meet The Author, Gigi Ventura 'Priestess of Divine'
This was a fantastic and well written article, very informative and easy to understanD. Looking forward to read more every month.
Great article by Priestess of Divine. I really loved it, lots of information and great read.